Sobota, 15 Február 2025
  • Slovak
  • English
ZARIF Overview --- >> Aims of ZARIF

ZARIF's aims are:

1.    To promote self-development of women including disadvantaged, for better employability and for  their career development by providing them informal and non-formal training opportunities,

2.    Contribute to overcome the obstacles related to social, informative and communication barriers for better promoting the integration of disadvantaged women in social and working life in the form of courses, trainings, workshops, seminars, educational, mentoring, cultural and social activities,

3.    Development and execution of national and international projects in cooperation with Slovak and European and other foreign institutions dealing with support of education, cultural, social activities including business and self-development,

4.    Consultancy in the field of EU funds,

5.    Organisation of national and international courses, trainings, workshops, seminars, education, cultural and social events and similar activities either within the scope of projects or stand alone,

6.    Support of sustainable improvement of women’s life in rural areas, transfer of urban knowledge and experience where they are useful for rural life further improvement,

7.    Development and support of travel and tourism activities, also aiming women inclusion and increasing women employability in the sector,

8.    Editorial and publishing activities aiming to help to promote, disseminate and make visible the association’s objectives,

9.    National and International cooperation with wide spectrum of organisations, institutions, associations, NGO´s in Europe and other geographical regions,

10.     Development of cultures of European cities and regions respecting diversities with emphasis social culture heritage a supporting of cultural-historical values among EU countries,

11.     To plan and organize activities like social and cultural events, conferences, exhibitions, concerts, musical events nationally and abroad for inactive women and public as well,

12.     To support, presentation and organisation of activities in the field of education, culture, sport and other social fields for its members and its family members as well as for public and dissemination information about its activities,

13.    To establish mutual amity relations and collaboration with international associations, foundations and institutions, people for supporting the above mentioned activities.